Thursday, December 18, 2003

Another great series MDA .Specially liked all of Happys advancing brilliance lines ( The realist who cares ) Especially his one liner to the young fresh faced lad “ why don’t they understand about immunization – why don’t we go to the papers and give it to them straight about the risk ”
A ---They don’t want to be reasonable mate !”. Not the game there and …….

Not the game here either ……Out here in the bush ....where risks and realities of interference are real too!.

Can we please get some attention from ABC journalists to dig deeper into all the green quackery and associated legal nonsense .....making the same challenge on behalf of competent people in the bush who remain totally unrepresented .

After all there is no MDA for competent risk assessing surgeons of the environment who get cut down daily by the lumbering logomachy of the unencumbered and growing legal ( and often compliant media) and legislative machinery designed to “help” .

Help whom ?

Monday, November 10, 2003

Channel 7 could learn a lot from ABCTV drama like MDA ,the Fat and Kath and Kym if they were willing to look a bit deeper at what you wear when you invest properly and for the long term .

Sunday, November 02, 2003

Barry Cassidy did a good job as mediator a few sunday mornings ago, but the cavalry of heavily armoured philistines were no match for David and his well targeted arrows. The desperate stone swapping of most of the panel with "now, now tut"rulings from the religious lefts handbook was in clear defence of the teenage antics of bob brown and helped to make the calm rationality of Bolt very obvious .The same old same olds were trotted out -why does it take twenty years and only one dissenter of reactionary practice to show how tired ,old and irrelevant is their rhetoric. Do they not see that the constant chanting of "in reaction defined" doctrines produces only cold and predicatable reactions in ABC church -the debate was warmer than most on the ABC---only because Bolty was there!! . . All the excuses in the world won't hold up hot air - and the excuses made for bad behavior by delinquents .
Talking of defending the indefensible . Excuses were the favourite talking point on ABC Sunday show .- the limp excuse is one most children make "its important" Adults insisting that children learn to wait "not listening, not now " - will not deny children free speech , but teach them how to respect it. . There is a place for everything if you believe in democracy...... but at the right time thats what the words mean ?
BB didn't really convince anyone that his blurting out was anything but childish and disrespectful .

BB actions were well defended though by those who define themesles "in reaction" They stand not" for something" but somewhere in nonman's land which is more often "against it" ?". Free speech and the means by which it will be preserved -for our children -was not defended well that Sunday !
Wake up ABC , lots of your news commentators are as predictable as old defenders of "everything left of average" would be at their age of pretend radicalism. We switch off to renovationing shows , SBS , books for something more interesting.

Wednesday, October 22, 2003

Lateline - 21 Oct Lots news covered vadequately. Was worth waiting up for the critical issue of complacency amongst the liberals . Good on greg for having a go, but absolutely noone is getting any points for well aimed arrows at where the left and right are ,at the moment .
Needed a more potent observer --- polys aren't the best for self evaluation .the q's were good but to really shake the overly comfortable tree takes more than the overly reactionary , skipping over the critical issue of what "conservative" and "care' means in post modern context .gregs mesmorizing sycophantry? -worrying about closed doors, Why worry when can all talk on blogger ; we don't need to rely on polys talk for wisdom eh?. The libs closed door stratgey is quick fix but who cares - covers up the little thats happening there sometimes. We all know that stick and carrot questions go the heart of widespread confusion across all parties about > more from medicoes too ----would be good Too much talk and quickfix action over "big picture" when real stuff of politics is not stuffing up individuals workroles with new quick fix agendas.

Wednesday, October 01, 2003

The Fat-30sept-10pm

Great show, except for a few who can' t get off the bottomline.
We want more of the standalones (tony,becka,peter,turf .and guests) and those foils who actually" talk back" to the court - not to themselves . . Full marks to your regulars for their honesty and good humor each week incl sam .

Friday, September 26, 2003

The Best and the Worst on ABCTV? cent tests only
In cents per day ---what would you pay?
We fully appreciate that money isn't everything but to convince Hon Alston he's only ever half right we wil use his narrow paradigm.

have ago ya mugs on
ABCTV site Blog Well done Google!
this list is not meant to be exclusive
100 -MDA - WorldClass Often Brilliant

25 -The Fat - Enough balance and lots of fun
25 -kath and kym - Enough balance to threaten us
10 - Enough rope -Sometimes
-10 -The Bill - lost something critical
-5 the glasshouse - lost something !