Monday, September 12, 2011

Tough questions- is the ABC up for it?

Tonight's panel and today's issues( report on our kids) suggest we could be in for a good start, one that maybe will go to the heart ---- but in the end will the program just be one big "blast away" as usual.
Without an " after panel" or  online and no innovative ( cf SBS) any so called ABCTV/774 commitment to be up to date and interactive is hypocritical . The ABC looks more like the public version of 60 minutes every week ----only bunchy , crunchy but  without tears and trauma.
The point is , Parliament have to call this matter to order - instead of constant name changing to save nothing, they need to get on with saving what we do know to be under threat - the traditional tenets of marriage.   Should there be no vehicle for the public discussion ( list eme here)  he is one .

Thursday, September 08, 2011

ABC news

Will lose if it puts as news  ( 12.00am) yet another report from UN speaker on sea level change ( rising or lowering., ..
Need to get out and do more reporting before they they find the UN like the Age is not reliable - the island they refer to is probably subsididing .You heard it first from anywhere but the ABC news service

Any progress amongst Journos

Robert Manne's latest attack on the Australian ( and defence of the Age ?) sounds like "takes one to know one"  There is a disease that needs training in the camp  - editorialising and moovingon ( really staying put)
Journs rattling around in a small box they call reason is not worth reading .
Many need to get out and do more reporting.
Readers of this blog will note my laments about the limits of qanda.
Has anything improved of late?  - Yes The Drum is often worth watching -well half the time .in my opinion  . That's a lot better than the Age on the environment , where it is almost none of the time WW( Manne  clearly doesn't know that - his recent article  trying to shore up its unreliable reporting )