Tuesday, February 26, 2019

Arrogance and Ignorance

Q and A --the ABC's  hypocritical flagship - answering their own questions with their own answers

Q and A pretends to be interested in answering questions . Bit of a giveaway really , They put mainly political wannabes on their panels and wonder why they convince noone . Perhaps its just about answering their own questions with their own answers  Trumps of this world keep appearing

And people who know what they are talking about and who might correct the agencies agenda get ostracised   Jordan Peterson last night
They tried to silence him by only allowing short jabs .

Noone wins when the petty pedants are in charge and allow one minute per stab like on #QandA last night.

 "My correlations make sense to me" http://misplacedconcreteness.blogspot.com Sorry mate - its not what you can see that trips you up - but what you can't!
To finish the day with the unfinished blood sports of ideas is to leave everyone bleeding.
Lets avoid doing that to each other. More humility about what we don't know (and how to fix it)

There is no confrontation with the truth on this program ( unless it manages to squeeze out the cracks ) Time everyone accepted that its not really trying to do what it says its doing .