Thursday, December 11, 2014

Control agents and Chameleons

I don't watch or listen as much to the ABC as I used to. It will go into history in denial of history ( current era ) Its hope in an evolved understanding proving more vain by the day . ABC showing a degree of fanaticism so high that its clearly  evident to casual observers ; the current game plans showing a  diminishing role in real info age learning.  
The left have no where to go but to stick with the drip feed of the tricked taxpayer who if he thinks about it - wants better.

Like political parties, they talk of education revolution unaware just how badly and carelessly they are  part of the degradation of a sound education  pedagogy. Just how little balance there is there . Young people get nothing but the stupid anachronistic rage of the war against everything that is the style sheet on which they write. Worse, Rage gives in  to the idea that what kids want,  they need - really productive parenting
 Once you realize there is no such thing as an independent author,  but that we should be hearing many more authors you can only switch off those who think it their job to act as gatekeepers - the many overrated hosts of programs on the ABC.

Worse ABC's licence to be the best at full stories denied by short unresearched and a very limited number of authors being on air . SBS by contrast outclass ABC completely in education (Anton and Jenny just 2 examples)

Paradoxically the story telling neglect is being picked up by Phillip Adams today .

So the Bible is the best read of 2014 , according to ABC's" leading intellectual" Phillip Adams . For someone who has spent his whole life hoping that these" fables and distracting fantasies "would die the death of most books like them, this takes some explaining What makes these books so special now, after all these years ?
I think he's just playing with us ( as he does ) .Just another chameleon chairing his own tale at our expense? The best part for those bored by these half baked rationalists and their  lengthy tirades of the overly rational too , the stories in the books by over 40 different authors generally stand alone as experience - take them as such or not; At least its not theory. And not just one bloke controlling the content like U get at the ABC . 

Thursday, October 09, 2014

Les Murray models how to report mental health issues

Les showed that rural pressures create great risks and that's a consensus issue .

Because the  Greens and major parties never study anything properly and haven't supported an objective research program they simply don't know what to do beyond that .

The danger is, though,that they will fall for any amount of new unproductive research.

Firstly they need to know who are participants and observers in this debate ,,,and then dismiss the outsiders .
 The outsiders and name callers , for example,   talk about resilience when they wouldn't know what a resilient ecosystem looked like . As said at start they create and perpetuate fear as a result of fear . Spinoza rightly said that fear is a companion of hope,so finding its right place is important ; These distant  "would be doctors" will never know that - The ABC wouldn't even listen to them so much if they chased the right people  RN .ie Bush telegraph .
Thankfully Les  knows that,  unlike the fearful kids whose minds weare contaminating with a glass half empty view of the world.. You can breed an alcoholic in the city just as easily as you breed one trying to grow grass. The grass grows in each paddock and no simple equation will tell you why one famaily thrives in poverty and abundance while another dives - attitude has a lot to do with it . Not so much nature and not so much " talking positively - a uniquely unsustainable approach cultivated by those on the drip fed from the taxpayer ) .  What the farm will tell you each year , though if you stick with it is that sun and rain will come again forgiving the past and making a new start;  not only possible but often highly productive to boot .Comes and goes like positive and negative , anger and joy , mental stress and mental relief . Maybe it isn't a an illness as the specialist on Q&A said.

Let noone say the natural world is limited without saying at the same time its most limited by the minds of men . I have published on this issue as a professional environmental risk assessor.

Recommendations to the ABC 
--Was great that the ABC have got this right --- they need to get out of the way and let people talk
--The ABC and the Project are great at finding problems to talk about but they are really shit at offering solutions .Too many reporters like the thrill of naming them instead of linking. The Project is much better at it than the ABc and that's saying something  . As I said to Jon Feine over ten years ago with his listeners;link  us to each other  and then you wouldn't create so much unresolved mental stress ( creates it by playing with the subject like Tony Jones does )
-- Programs like Bush telegraph need people with real experience and understanding of rural people . Its easy to feed lollies  when mental issues require you to be aware of the medicine even if you aren't the ones to apply it - you might even invite guests like Les who hold a balance that really helps and don't dissect the person into a million broken pieces ( the legacy of those who practice at the school of mere description )  

Mental as - an example : the poor professionals suffering in the Utopia ABC series

In a paradox of huge proportions Working Dog and the ABC have managed to help us keep sane . Like our partners they seem to show the best and the worst of us .The worst kind of wolves are those who never let us tell the whole truth ; those whose faith is in speculating and technology alone ; Those who insist we talk positive without a break . As Chestereton said so well nearly  100 years ago , the maniacs who fly the flag of the world - even when the war is on .

What grand therapy and grand tragedy is Utopia ABC . They didn't research the problem they reported it -- good work --which is really mostly what we want the ABC to do.

The government have got no idea that the reason they have such a incipid lot of advisers on some complex matters is because they have cultivated the view that "their job is simple "and and therefore any simple idiot can do it .

Well done Working Dog

- only thing is  -- its easy to see a problem and even easier for some smart arses to rush in and offer " answers" .
Much more important now for the ABC to help build a road back to planning for environmentally sustainability .It will be hard work but the best work for a generation of young people who need something hard to do .

Must not be negative on the ABC - even when talking about suicide on Katters watch

 We know the crowd at the hungry games on Monday night are not ( mostly) there for solutions,  but to see someone eat someone  (You heard it first on blogger)  .It seems to me most of Australia missed the point Bob  tried to make ( that you don't get it - we do something great for nothing and you don't care that we don't get paid!: your religion in the "market and dog eat dog determinism"  is an- only increases mental illness to have people tell you your problems !) ; The demented won't care . Nice but toxically sentimental of you to raise all this money ,  but you probably only repeat the mistakes of past,  just as the mentalas week will probably only end up with a list of projects to keep the bureau distracted for another decade . I hope listeners heard him say -  do you no good to hope there ( a realist)  like the dummies who chant lifeline aren't being ( " accuracy" was the word..
No where is this more obvious mate than in the way the worry warriors  let themselves get all tied up in knots about the risks out here . Because they never work closely and objectively with nature they never get to know the enemy well enough;   ( death cycles for eg) to live with its limits and love it  .  "Living with the enemy "program is good enough to be on ABC in an extended changed reality participants format)  . Naturally that means when they see a danger , they panic and put the kibosh on things they fear .They bring the cult of toxic sentimentality which has enveloped them in their quickfix visit to the country  
This wouldn't be a problem if they didn't interfere both with our minds and the public s , but in 2014 they legislate about all these risks, when they don't even know them . 
Good jobs in environmental planning are being ignored because the polys do not know what they are doing in this highly complex area.
They may even let themselves think Bob Katter is some negative old bastard who misses not being the Premiers best man. "99% of people in Australia have no reason to whinge ,  so why should we listen to 1%.-- even in mental health week ". This is of course is quite logically ( they love logic at the ABC missing out on the joy of a satisfactory world view faith that works )  a problem with the ABC idea - if you make 99% of the people feel worse this week,  you won't have achieved the purpose of the week, so why do it ?   ( A because to know it is to help it -- sorry i do not accept that WV ; to be told it is to ignore it is my WV expectation ) 

Tuesday, April 08, 2014

How rich are we really ?

There is always something good on the ABC. But ,when the journos are looking in the wrong places for news, it's inevitable they become stale, slow and irrelevant . Three shows that come readily to mind are The Book club , The Movie show , Q&A( -specifically as it dropped all to worship at the halls of moving targets in Shanghi last night ) and all the TV current affairs .
 I don't really know fully how or why they are becoming increasingly stale, but one reason is clearly that are pretending . ;They think they are chasing the new,  but really they are working the same old merry go rounds that keep them away from the leading edge ( The movie show is perfect for those oldies who only want to see what they wanna see  Marg and David won't venture onto the question of evil which is on many leading filmakers minds - maker of Noah  ) . The Book club similarly would never venture there but is perfect for those who seek the new in the vain hope of leaving the past behind . Even "One to One" which has the right idea ( conversation) (but like so many) they ask dumb and blunt questions. Its like rounding up sheep with a dog that can't bark or bight.

Where is the leading edge in Australia ? The need to give our children the inspiration to marry save use their eduction and build homes--- for one thing  ( Between Alan Kohler and the host of half baked eco reporters you would think they knew something about wealth. But no they talk of "how much we are worth " yes we have lots of money( we oldies ) but its not all in bricks and mortar .
Our children are not being educated and not going to get careers like we did as a result of our parents foresight into bigger picture ecomia  ; They had and rightly  celebrated determination and focus( they saved rather than celebrated how much there homes were worth) whereas what do we celebrate?   Do we not celebrate  dissipation ,careless talk of democracy( Tony was warned several times by the Chinese who are rightly sick of the Wests shallow preoccupation with their idea of numbers and mere talking( =democracy?  how dumb! -

The world is not waiting for democracy ( esp the idea inherent in Jones and abcchurch)- maybe it is waiting for strong leadership?(or even likes it) This shallow concept of democracy where every one has a say and niceness (" aren't we a friendly country "Q&A last night ) is the theme .Oh dear !Aussies are the innocents - anyone looking outside in will tell you that !

.The Parties are so dumb ignorant careless and hypocritical on this that they all talk of jobs - not careers. Anyone watching would think we we were on a  treadmill .

The proverb says it well ( Prov. 4:7 ) Pay the price for real wisdom - it worth everything . It's what makes one really rich......Commonwealth rich