I feel for Stan Grant (resigning from ABC) and Noel Pearson (because racism and isolation is on the increase) , but they, like our post modern culture are trapped by their now totally inadequate attitudes to anger hatred ,repentance and forgiveness .They are overreacting to a real threat, but not really understanding the threat
Mistargeting and overstating
The monarchy and Christianity are not inherent threats to honoring diversity, but the very reason we have for centuries honored it.
It's how we deal with anger that's changed.
The post modernists have made anger a sin, when it is not. This is as Os Guiness said, the West going East and losing itself in unproductive shaming, guilt and unforgiveness that perpetuates the pain and the adrenaline suppression ( not good)
Most of us were taught that God gets angry, and that we should deal with anger before the sun goes down each day. Believers and their families ( incl children) could get hot under the collar and survive . They lived the wonderful truth that it was ok to be angry every day , but to deal with it in a positive way .This limits, like nor-adrenaline, the damage that could now kill us.
Yes, adrenaline is powder keg stuff, but the trick is not to fear it but to use its naturally good power to drive honest confrontation and reconciliation. The modern overreaction to it in the form of avoidance prevents the beauty of both pointed confrontation and reconciliation.
The psyche's are telling us that the avoidance of anger's proper expression is driving the current epidemic of depression.
By making it a sin, the reactionaries and others make the person who SHOWS anger now feel very bad , ashamed and accused of shaming and subject to gas lighting . All unworkable intransigence where initiators and recievers get nowhere and just feel bad . " The East No Exit " is one of Os Guiness's books .
In rejecting their Christian heritage, the ABC have adopted from the vacuum of the vault of pure reaction , some other old ideas that do not work.
The only way to make things work , for our children's sake, s to admit we have given into unforgiveness, shaming and not accepting that the many injustices done to us ( or done to or by our forebears ) are less important that injustices done to people right now
That our culture is desperately digging a deep a hole and dying of gas poisoning is contraindicated by an unhealthy focus on the past - other people's pasts.