Thursday, October 09, 2014

Les Murray models how to report mental health issues

Les showed that rural pressures create great risks and that's a consensus issue .

Because the  Greens and major parties never study anything properly and haven't supported an objective research program they simply don't know what to do beyond that .

The danger is, though,that they will fall for any amount of new unproductive research.

Firstly they need to know who are participants and observers in this debate ,,,and then dismiss the outsiders .
 The outsiders and name callers , for example,   talk about resilience when they wouldn't know what a resilient ecosystem looked like . As said at start they create and perpetuate fear as a result of fear . Spinoza rightly said that fear is a companion of hope,so finding its right place is important ; These distant  "would be doctors" will never know that - The ABC wouldn't even listen to them so much if they chased the right people  RN .ie Bush telegraph .
Thankfully Les  knows that,  unlike the fearful kids whose minds weare contaminating with a glass half empty view of the world.. You can breed an alcoholic in the city just as easily as you breed one trying to grow grass. The grass grows in each paddock and no simple equation will tell you why one famaily thrives in poverty and abundance while another dives - attitude has a lot to do with it . Not so much nature and not so much " talking positively - a uniquely unsustainable approach cultivated by those on the drip fed from the taxpayer ) .  What the farm will tell you each year , though if you stick with it is that sun and rain will come again forgiving the past and making a new start;  not only possible but often highly productive to boot .Comes and goes like positive and negative , anger and joy , mental stress and mental relief . Maybe it isn't a an illness as the specialist on Q&A said.

Let noone say the natural world is limited without saying at the same time its most limited by the minds of men . I have published on this issue as a professional environmental risk assessor.

Recommendations to the ABC 
--Was great that the ABC have got this right --- they need to get out of the way and let people talk
--The ABC and the Project are great at finding problems to talk about but they are really shit at offering solutions .Too many reporters like the thrill of naming them instead of linking. The Project is much better at it than the ABc and that's saying something  . As I said to Jon Feine over ten years ago with his listeners;link  us to each other  and then you wouldn't create so much unresolved mental stress ( creates it by playing with the subject like Tony Jones does )
-- Programs like Bush telegraph need people with real experience and understanding of rural people . Its easy to feed lollies  when mental issues require you to be aware of the medicine even if you aren't the ones to apply it - you might even invite guests like Les who hold a balance that really helps and don't dissect the person into a million broken pieces ( the legacy of those who practice at the school of mere description )  

1 comment:

journeymanj said...

Met a great bloke my age on the train yesterday .No education ; labourer all his life . His father was a alcoholic and his daughter too for a while . He was openly reflecting on why he saw life as half full and why his father not --telling him quietly on his own " he was hopeless" . We shared about his 18 YO grand kids now too afraid to leave home and prone to feelings of depression and ready to fight off conversation. I encouraged him to keep talking to them because young people aren't silly-- they just need a way out ; not the one they are offered . Its not all about getting what you want . Naturally they resist their parents like crazy ( who says they know anyway , simple things like "get a real job " )BUT a word of truth from your experience can be like gold to them ;) Give them something to hang their lives on "Sure son its tough but lookame , I had nothing, but my attitude is this " I am going to find some good work to do today that needs doing - never had a dark in my life. Come and help me with the washing up. Just this once eh?