Saturday, February 05, 2005

Too many flashes in the pan- ideas that get blown away

Many Australians are great inventors (The New Inventors)but, to put the lack of momentum to capitalise on this in the last 30yrs, many others have a bad habit of gambling away the opportunities the quiet achievers gain. The ABC, by using a old format, are reflecting our lack of a sea change to help challenge our indifference the finance sectors easy picking mentality - we are prone to working the willing horse to death. Creative aussies need more than tokenism in the real world . There is no point in talking their jobs up when the finance sector STILL moves on a different plane and are encouraged to do so, by the lack of critiscsm of them within the ABC and the myopic "market knows best merchants". Read ellul on quickfix or quikfiz on the way we fail to recognise the nature of quick fix in the financial sector.
“ Progress, far from consisting in change, depends on retentiveness …. Those who do not remember the past are condemned to repeat it “. From George Santayana (1863-1952)

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