Wednesday, March 10, 2010

Giving the "primitive" Christians a sporting chance

Qandas lineup on Monday night reminded me of the scene at some coluseum in the 2nd century.

Emperor Julian, to this day, would be wondering why he couldn't kill em all- and their wacky ideas.

Not sure that our modern ABCTV program setup supported the suggestion that this program was somehow a evolutionary improvement on that old theatre( why always the polys and spin mercahnts when we are trying to talk a bit deeper- its dumb!)

However I have got to hand to Tony . He asked a good question. They say the traditional world view of the west means democracy is possible because of the good in some ABC jounos,BUT neccesary because its not always so when they are in control of the gate. Do we allow the truth to pass unhindered. Applies to all of us .
Jones made the simple but important point that " sacrifice" is noble - isn't it?
Tony Jones tried to reign in the diatribe of verbosity that came forth as a response to a quite reasonable intellectual question. When the grand promoter of reasonableness refused to answer the Muslims big and sound question about the value of words without a sense of God in the picture , many of could see him playing politics or religion on the question of reasonableness.
Never were , or will The elephants in the room agree that Dawkins can so easily dismiss the people who sit in the pews and clap at congregations of atheists (egtake just the atheistic worldview leaders in our century)
To say that aetheists believe in nothing in particular and that gives them freedom to believe in whatever they choose, means thay may rank lower than Flanders in the woosy and unthinking stakes .
"My nasty word is bigger and more nasty than your nasty word!"
The struggle indeed is about evil, but are we really talking to it, or around it .

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