Tuesday, March 05, 2019

Straining out gnats and swallowing camels

Q and A March 4th    An unexpectedly good and robust chat last night 

What happened?
Didn't seem to all go to plan.
Looked  to me like the Rabbi was helicoptered in - unexpectedly 

If they had the God sent Rabbi on any longer, he would have reminded us all that God subverts the plans of the proud and laughs at them,    as many wonderfully did last night .
As it is , The Rabbi was on just long enough to save Molan from being crucified .

ABCTV need to tip the balance  away from wannabes to the outsiders - those practical ( not always professionals like myself ) people they keep alienating by running the balance in favor of idealists and PC merchants - those who strain out gnats and swallow camels .

1 comment:

Little John said...

As so often happens on Q and A, we have a story person on,but don't really get to hear them...
Would have been good to listen to J B Peterson about the extent of the denial phenomenon. He might be more objective than we are on the subject of just how simple our core belief systems are; how hypocritical we can be; How close some wannabes are in their faith to those they hate.
Van Badham the Marxist, demonises Neoliberalism and Capitalism. Yet all three are driven by the idea of crude efficiency - the quickest way to the bottom line
I reject all three as faiths lost in simplicity . Why don't more people choose another way ? assumming he would say as most pysches, that we all have a faith of some sort.
The good life, Van , is not as simple as leading the sheep on a big pay packet.