Friday, March 04, 2022

Making the news

ABC news services have lost their way in a big way. It's most evident when there is an unknown driver or unpredictable scenario on the horizon.  ABCTV have morphed into something like the commercial media, who dramatize and speculate to the point of being irrelevant - something none of them can afford to do  in this day of the internet age which may make them irrelevant .
The fanaticism within the ABC is quite predictable 

The easiest way to help fix this dilemma/ temptation of speculation is, with natural disasters (at least )is to STOP being smart shiny arses and quoting those sorts, Flannery and all the other hangers-on in all these agencies of inexperience and wild screen sheeting.   
The real risk assessors are not heard and because the disease of panic has been cultivated for decades in the grand tour of the wannabes, we have emergency management leaders who can't be trusted - guess who put them there -- wannabes .  
 Flooding on east coast this week First week of March 2022 
ABC reporters can't help but mention their own BIG numbers for rainfall amounts and river heights but can't do it without mentioning their own culture club fearmongering - those sacred chants about "climate change", 

These extreme floods have nothing to do with climate change .
These extreme floods have everything to do with the very unusual cocontentation of very moist air being pushed up an incline at just the right speed to cause it to rain for hours on end . This phenomenon is not new but it is quite rare and predictable - which is what should be said so the fearmongering doesn't get out of hand. 

 There is a fine line between reporting what you see and reporting what you think you see. Between reporting the facts, knowing which facts  This post is just to remind those who fund this self-indulgent and largely sub scientific organization that it has lost its way -- in so many ways, Our forefathers were clear about the calling, but the club has modified it into an image that suits the owners own image. 

Take the news generally 

It s fine to ask why but it's far more important to make sure you report what has happened. Reporting what has happened takes time and its hard work that is not nearly as much as fun as speculating HOW it happened.

HOW questions may be part of the news story  but reporters must show more discipline in adding their own limited vision,
If they have a how question - there must be time for FULL or complete explanation and its often that the time is not available , Poor choice short  term gain long term pain  for the ABC and its credibility . 

The ABC knows the first bit about reporting, of course, but the populace is aching for explanations and the ABC now wanna be popular ) oh dear  .
The self-righteousness that seems to attach itself to the flawless ABC is encouraged by a sound desire to be scientific ( plus a few hidden not so sound desires )- to find the explanation.
Its extremely tempting, as we all know, and I know now as an eco geomorph , to punch in " what i know " ---  unless called for ( that great idea in public service ) is wrong and takes away from the elements of our culture that we don't want canceled -- but we are cancelling because we have adopted some  corroding causes like " confusion , cynicism and a desire to be first" .   And like little children that we are if I can't be first , no one can have it , 

The serious implications for our children 
Instead of building confidence in competent science, the smart cynicism of the ancients is driving our children into a new culture ( which is really partly our own doing ):  cancel culture .
Where the romance of nothing is better than the weight of fact checking overload  the incompetent bookkeepers at the ABC insist on ---  their level. 

1 comment:

journeymanj said...

Every man and his dog can talk and think about risk . If you want someone who can state it clearly, you still have to show them the situation , have them become familiar with the situation and wait for them to realize what they don't know.
Call someone an expert ( as dummies do )and even well informed persons under such adulation won't be able to keep their mouths shut. Misleading in the once good name of leading.
Thats media of the moment and the ABC is little different .